The organization is established as center of excellence and a viable entity.


To provide an opportunity for children to live in congenial atmosphere with parental love.

To achieve the mentioned objectives followingactivities will be implemented during theperiod.



To provide food, shelter, education fororphans, semi-orphans and under privileged children in Home.

These children are provided withfood, shelter, education and clothing. The children attend the English medium School regularly and coaching is arranged to strengthen their academic achievements. The children attend English medium Schools for their education and provided with Text Books, Note Books, Pens and Pencils in the Home. Children are provided with square meal three times a day.




To provide medical care to the children.

Health of the children is taken care and specialattention is given for those who are weak byproviding special medical care. A MedicalTeam will provide medical assistance includingMedical Kit with simple medicines for the children.


  • To make the children to learn moral lessons to become self- reliant.
  • The children are being brought up under strictdiscipline. The children are being taught and given guidance for their Physical, mental and spiritual growth.




To liberate rural women from economic bondage /dependency and poverty and from marginalization so as to liberate them economically

The women are empowered by building their capacity through training and non-formal education and improving their opportunities to access and to eradicate the root causes of poverty in local communities so as to enable them attain self-reliance and sustainability.



Need for Africa Children and Women organization will be undertaking the following... • Training the staff that would be responsible for work. • For all professional technical resource and the administrative assistance. • Project resource mobilization • Experience share review meetings


Staff: The Project will be having the following Staff: Director, women Mobiliser, Cordinator, Nurse, Security, Cooks and helper in additionto the Project Manager and the Other Project Staff in the Headquarters Office to oversee the Project.
Building: The Home has a rented building structure for both theoretical and practical works and also good accommodation for the children with all good amenities.